Tuesday, April 13, 2010

UPGRADE and a Bean | South NJ child's photographer

I finally upgraded my camera and got the classic 5d and an 85 1.8, I went through he!! to get this camera lol since there was a mix up and it took two weeks and a trip to NY . But I'm in love so it was worth it. I bribed my 5 year old Anna (Bean) with chocolate kisses to let me test it out and surprisingly she let me...for 15 mins lol. I got 2 that i like, one is with major mommy goggles but i LOVE the bokeh in it...CLASSIC CHEESE, can't seem to break her of it

and to try to distract her from cheeseing i told her to jump...i have this in color but her shoes don't match her outfit lol

and one from yesterday. I asked her to let me test my camera again and this is what i get.....Oh man, we're in trouble!!


julie May 21, 2010 at 12:15 PM  

she is too cute! I can see how sassy she is!

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